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悉尼科技大学Suvash Saha博士来校学术交流

发布日期:2019-04-30   阅读量🫵🏼:2029

(土木工程意昂体育 科技处)2019年4月29日上午,应土木工程意昂体育邀请,悉尼科技大学Suvash C. Saha博士来我校作了题为“相变材料层对环形结构传热特性的影响”的学术报告。意昂体育、机械意昂体育、数理系等院系部分教师和研究生50余人参加了此次报告会🖊。报告由刘庆宽教授主持。







专家简介:Dr. Suvash C. Saha is working at the University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia as a Senior Lecturer of Mechanical Engineering. He received his PhD in Computational Fluid Dynamics from the School of Engineering and Physical Sciences of James Cook University, Australia in 2009. He also received his BSc (Honours) in Mathematics and MSc in Applied Mathematics with thesis group from the Department of Mathematics, University of Dhaka. His current research interests are: Computational biomechanical engineering; Solar thermal energy technology; Natural convection heat transfer in buildings and other confined geometries; Scale analysis for the transient flow etc. Dr. Saha has more than 160 publications including 102 journal papers mostly published in high impact journals. Total citations of Dr. Saha is 1277 (Google Scholar) and 852 (Scopus) with h-Index of 19 (Google Scholar) and 16 (Scopus). He has more than $1.2m funding including 2 ARC Linkage grants and is involved in two National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) funding.

